Thursday, February 3, 2011

Lauren Myracle's TTYL -

In the introduction to her book,  500 Great Books for Teens,  Anita Silvey, well known editor and critic in the genre of childrens literature (former editor of The Horn Book and VP in charge of children & young adult books at publisher Houghton Mifflin),  writes "Great teenage literature  has always addressed the fundamental questions of the teenage years: Who am I? Do I matter?  How do I relate to others? In that literature, teens get blown off course by their hormones, just as they do in the real world.  Teenage angst and ennui shape many of the characters.  All young adult literature explores the problems of separation and empowerment.  Sometimes that process can have terrible results . . . but usually in coming-of-age stories the movement from childhood to adulthood is inevitable and necessary.  Through their angst, the protagonists become adults, separate from their parents, and exercise independent judgement from the adults around them."  How do you find TTYL fitting this description?  What makes the book appealing to young adult readers?  What about TTYL causes parental concern?  Is this concern justified?  (500 Great Books accessed  on 2/3/2011 via internet)


  1. I think this fits TTYL very well. Angela, Maddie and Zoe are struggling with these kinds of issues (sexuality, underage drinking, questions of religion, questioning parental judgment). Frankly dealing with these issues gives the novel an appeal to young adult readers. However, these issues and the use of profanity are the same reason that parents are concerned about the book.
    I don't think that this concern is justified because students will be exposed to these issues in one way or another. Isn't reading a book about it better than experimenting with it personally?

    Desiree Marchand

  2. TTYL fits this description because the book talks about how these girls lives throughout high school. The book talks about these girls problems of separation from their parents, changing into adulthood, where they fit in, and their raging hormones.
    This book appeals to young adult reader because many of them can relate in some way to the book and the situations that happen in this book.
    Some part of the book that cause concern is the language used, sexual references, etc.

    -Sarah Gamelli

  3. I think that TTYL fits this description very well. many teens can relate to this story. Many young readers can pick this book up and find it interesting to see all of the text conversation. Also many young readers can relate to this in their lives.I can see why parents are concerned about their children reading the novel because of its use of text throughout the whole book. But I think that they have to realize that this is the 21st century and that most children are using text in their everyday lives.

  4. TTYl fits this description completely. This book relates to many young adults because it is about teenage school drama. Although, many parents are concern for there children to read this book because of the instant messaging conversation throughout the whole book. Also there is many vulgar language and sexual content all through the book.

    Tanya Jones

  5. TTYL is so appealing because it asks the serious questions without condescending to its readers. TTYL is unique in how honestly it portrays teenage problems, and teenage reactions to said problems. The results aren't always pretty, but they're believable. Therefore, TTYL should be seen as an example of real teens dealing with real issues, rather than over-simplified into a vulgar piece of fiction---which is what I think censorship does. And if parents censored every novel that had difficult questions like "Who am I?", "Do I matter?" the questions would never be answered.
    While the parental concern might come from a healthy place, the concern is unwarranted. In fact, as Zoe's parents proves in the story, trying to shield your child from the darkness doesn't make the darkness go away; it only abandons the oblivious children in it.
    -Caitlin Carroll

  6. I think TTYL appeals to young adults because of the scenarios of independence present in the novel. When one is a young adult, he or she starts to gain responsibilities and freedoms he or she would not have had during childhood, thus the young adult is gradually exposed to adulthood. In the novel, there are new freedoms awarded to the protagonists. For example, Maddie gets her license, Angela goes out on dates and Zoe gets to go to places (like church) without the supervision of her parents. This idealizes the independence of the girls to younger or same aged girls who want the same exposure to adulthood. The above description does fit TTYL well, because of the shift from childhood to adulthood. However, this same issue can dishearten parents, who want to censor their own young adults from making the same mistakes as the protagonists, such as having a sexual relationship with a teacher, driving drunk, going to college-age parties, and pre-martial sex. The concern is justified but I think that parents should censor as seen fit in their homes and not a blanket of censorship.

    Amanda Paul

  7. TTYL Fits this description perfectly. This books relates to many teenagers in high school, going through drama. The format of the novel makes for a very easy read, and its set up will be something that teenagers are familiar to. Although this book is appealing to teenagers and young adults, most parents wouldn't approve. This is simply because the book displays acts that most parents would say are inappropriate. From the underage drinking to the inappropriate flirting with a teacher, parents do have a reason to be concerned.
    This concern is understandable but only to a certain extent. Either way their children will be exposed to these actions. Just banning or challenging a book wont do much. If you don't like what a book portrays then don't read it, there is no need to hold everyone else from reading it just because of your personal beliefs.

    Ariel Trudell

  8. I think that TTYL fits this description very well because the girls in the book are going through these situations, with sexuality, under age drinking, seperation of parents and many more. I think the book appeals to young readers, because many young adults can relate to these kind of situations in their life. I think parents are concerned for the book because of the vulgar language, sex-ed, drinking and driving, inapproatie flirting with teachers, and many more. There is a censor for the book but if the parent doesnt want the children to read it then they dont have to. Some parents have different rules on things.

    Michelle Spinney

  9. I think that TTYL fits this description because Maddie, Zoe, and Angela are all dealing with issues concerning finding a place in society (namely amongst high school cliques) while trying to distance themselves from their parents. While some of the situations are extreme (such as the teacher-student relationship) they still present teen readers with dilemmas that they can probably in some way relate to. The situations and attitudes of the girls, while appealing to teenagers, would not be appealing to parents because it shows kids not acting in ways that parents would approve of. However, the inappropriate language, sexual situations, and disregard for parental authority are things that teenagers deal with in some way or another all of the time. Just as the N-word in Huck Finn, one could argue that it is better for students to be exposed to these situations through literature so that they can learn about them, and therefore how to avoid them, without having to actually experience them. While I can see why parents would disapprove of the novel, I think it is something that teenagers are exposed to anyways and at least in this context parents can control it.

    -Brittany Morgan

  10. TTYL seems to fit this description to a degree. Yes, the three protagonists face the angst typical of their age group and a struggle to find themselves and independence. Zoe admits that she is tired of being the "nice girl" and wants to do more exciting things, something that results in the unfortunate experience she has with Mr. H. Maddie too attempts to experiment, leaving her close inner circle of friends to find a new group with Jana. Finally, Angela wants to have consummate every romantic relationship. At the end, they all grow up a little, abandoning some of their preoccupation with their own personal problems to come to Maddie's aid. Still, they remain child-like, which Myracle may be using as a set-up for sequels. They are not entirely independent from their parents yet.

    -Rai Carmody

  11. TTYL definitely fits this description in many ways. For one, the parents are rarely mentioned in the book and when they are it is usually because the teens are defying their parent's rules. It also explores teens interest in sexuality, for example Zoe and Mr. H and Angela and her obsession with Rob and "devirginization." It also shows underage drinking situations, where Maddie loses control at the frat house with Jana. I can understand parents concern with these topics, because it is probably unsettling to think of their own child participating in these situations. However, I believe these situations are normal teen behavior and teens should be able to read them because they can relate so well.

    -Monica Noury

  12. TTYL definitely fits this description, and it presents issues that are relevant to teenagers in a time when our generation sees reading for pleasure less-than-desirable compared to things like IM and video games. In this way, it does present high-school aged teens with the opportunity to read about something that is absolutely significant and applies to their lives, in a format that is not at all intimidating.
    While I can certainly see why parents would take offense to TTYL, I think it is ignorant of those seeking to ban the book to not recognize that teens in today's society face these situations in high school everyday. Inevitably, young teens will face issues like sexuality, underage drinking, etc. and TTYL simply presents these issues in the form of text.

    -Cara Tamiso

  13. TTYL fits the description, in that a teenager can easily relate to these issues about sex, friendship and relationships.It also relates in that most teenagers use aim so it's very realistic. Parents would be concerned about this book due to sex, alcohol, dangerous teen driving, an odd relationship between student and teacher, ignorant parents, and a man using religious means to seduce a student. Though I can see why parents would be upset over these situations these are what girls these age deal with, and parents in reality don't know every part of their child's life, so it was a clear depiction of a typical parent thinking their child is going to an innocent religious meeting, when in reality there's more to the story. -Diane Stitt

  14. TTYL fits this description because its about your stereotypical high school years; experimenting with sex, alcohol, and relationships. I can understand why a parent would not let their child reading this book, because it is alot of sex, but teenagers can definitely relate to this book.

    Tailyr Cross

  15. TTYl fits perfectly in that description because the girls that are involved in the whole story have to deal with all those things in their lives. They wonder about sexual things, about drinking when you are still a bit young, about religion stuff etc.... Although probably the language and the way they express the things that are happening but also the profanity are the ones that make the parents do not want to allow this book to everybody.

    Adrianos Vourliotakis Perdikaris

  16. After reading TTYL I feel as if it is targeted to young adults but a lot of younger children are getting a hold of it. The issues that show up within the novel make it clear to why parents are concerned for it to be available. There is a lot of use of profanity but it is a perfect example of a realistic book. Readers to whom this book is targeted to can easily relate but I do not think these issues need to be censored as long as the right people are reading them.
    -Kimm Webb

  17. I would say that at face value, TTYL complies with this description. However, in the real heart of the story, this isn't really a 'coming of age' tale so much as a vague, open-ended soap opera with a side helping of BAD CHOICES. The characters serve as basic archetypes of stereotypes, and they are therefore not very developed, and this is demonstrated starkly when key points of the plot just seem to die away in the corner. In real life, there are consequences, and, in real life, these sort of situations don't really pan out in these manners (besides, how many damn times has a high schooler humiliating herself at a college party been conveyed in books/TV/movies? Way more often than it probably actually happens). I'm way off base here; I guess it's easy to relate to in that you can pick a type and put her on all Buffalo Bill style, but the situations and solutions are unconvincing.

    If I were a parent my concern with my child reading this would mostly be the mind-numbing ineptitude (maybe it was just my high school, but people were NOT this stupid...), but as far as non-sarcastic critique goes, the concerns I see with this piece are the profanities, the sexually explicit points, and the complete and utter absence of a strong, positive adult figure to reel these idiots in; the parents of the characters are either ignored or villainous.

    It's a purely flippant and casual read, and I genuinely don't think it's worth the energy to try and ban it, because what little controversy that is going on, is nothing you haven't seen on WB.

    Theresa Caulkins

  18. I feel that this description does fit TTYL in some ways, as the novel does cover at least part of the girls' growth and maturing. While they certainly aren't adults at the end of the novel, they have grown and come to understand what is important (friendship, loyalty, etc.). I would not exactly classify the novel as a "coming of age" tale, simply because the characters haven't matured anywhere near enough for them to be considered adults (in any aspect).

    I feel that the book is most appealing to young adult readers in that it is so easy to relate to at least one of the main characters. None of the girls are especially developed as far as having unique personalities (it would be difficult to do so in the format of the book). This makes it so that any young reader can find some connection to them. The other "appealing" aspect of the novel is its format, which many (but not all) modern young adults are extremely familiar with, and therefore see as realistic.

    TTYL probably causes so much parental concern because it contains strong language, has a sexually explicit nature, and there seems to be a general lack of parenting (the girls just seem to do whatever they want, whenever they want). Parents may not want their 10th graders (or younger audiences) reading about how easily these girls go to parties, drink, or do other things that are illegal or may seem inappropriate. In real life, there may be jail time, counseling, or other consequences that the girls in the book never even consider.

    I feel that some of the concern that surrounds this book is definitely justified, but that this book definitely isn't the worst thing that a middle school student could be reading. I would definitely be cautious to make this book available to students below seventh grade, as they may not be mature enough to understand that some of the behavior depicted in the novel (such as going to a frat party and ending up topless, or having a romantic relationship with a teacher) isn't without extremely grave consequences. In conclusion, I do not feel that the book should be banned, but I do feel that parents should be aware of what the novel contains and make a decision for their OWN child based on that.

    -Ali Memhard

  19. I think TTYL has to fit the description in some way simply because it'd be odd if someone wrote a book about high school aged girls and there was no maturing. Crossing the line from child to adult is a very crucial subject for this age, it wouldn't be possible to miss it.

    I think a big apeal for the readers is the drama. This is a social and sexual maturing age so for those reading there's a certain excitment in what these girls are going to do next.

    I think parents are concerned because they think it's too "adult" for their pre-teen or early teen. I think that they're being too overprotective and are kidding themselves if they think their kid, who they're trying to shield from "inappropriate" behavior, isn't experiencing this type of stuff first hand. Part of what's great about fiction is that it explores human action without causing any harm. If a parent's concerned about books like TTYL they'd be better off reading with their kid and talking about decision making rather than banning the book and thinking that will keep their kid safe from such harm.

    Maria Varanka

  20. I think the book TTYL fits it's description perfectyl. Lauren Myracle did a fabulous job portraying the early years of high school from a girl's perspective, and what it is like to deal with all the changes and drama. The book appeals to a younger, new audience, especially by the way the text is written (Instant message/text language), which makes it more fun and hip for younger teens to read then any old boring book. However, I can see why parents are against it. While reading it myself I was even taken aback by all the language and sexual refrences (ESPECIALLY involving a teacher). It was out of the ordinary from most books I have read. However, I found it interesting and it is a good way for younger teens to learn and the book will help them understand and realize they are not the only ones alone struggling with the same issues.

    Kimberly LaPrade

  21. I feel that TTYL fits this description really well, the girls are all going through things in high school that are helping to mature and shape them. Some of the trials the girls go through display their poor decision making and the consequences they then have to deal with. The book is appealing to a young audience because they can relate very easily to the book, it's a quick, easy read and the young readers may find some parallels between their own lives and the book.
    The things that might cause parental concern in this book are the bad decisions the girls made. The book featured underage drinking, sexual material, and a student-teacher romantic relationship. I feel these concerns are justified to a certain extent but I don't believe the book should be banned. Parents should be cautioned against letting their children under a certain age read this book but it should not be completely banned.

    - Emma Priester

  22. I think that the book definitely fits it's description. Throughout the novel's entirety the characters are constantly working to discover who they are. Madigan is the best example of this as she slowly shifts into an entirely different person, spending time with a girl she hates, and changing the way she talks and acts.

    What makes the book so appealing to young adult readers is how the characters interact. They talk just like young adults today do and they deal with the same problems. Everyone has those popular kids that they despise but in the end, if given the chance, they would be friends with them in a second. It deals with everyday teen issues which explains why it's such a popular book for teens.

    A variety of things in the book is cause for concern for parents. From the explicit language to the discussion of sexual acts. It's a very...let's say mature book in some aspects. Also the way the book deals with the pedophile teacher. While it's wonderful that nothing happens to Zoe, the teacher is never dealt with in an adult setting. I don't think the book should be banned or even challenged though I do understand why parents would be so opposed to it.

    - Jeff Payne

  23. TTYL fits the description perfectly because it is an angst filled teenage drama. The stereotypes found with each girl leave it open so that a reader can find a similarity between themselves and the characters. The fact that there are three friends, and they deal with situations like talking behind one another's backs is really relevant to the middle school/high school age group. I know for a fact that I dealt with petty situations like that and could relate. If I had read this in high school I probably would have liked it a lot more.
    In regards to the parental concerns with things such as swearing (kids are going to do it regardless) the sexuality, flashing, frat party, teacher student liason, etc etc the way that these things are portrayed do not glorify them. They are put into semi-realistic means and frowned upon as a lesson learned almost which is much more appropriate than some parents are giving it credit for.

    Sarah Smith Barnum

  24. I think this description fits completely with TTYL because it's filled with all of the hardships and obstacles teens have to face. In your teens you're exposed to everything your parents fear. There's drugs, alcohol, partying, sex, etc. These are the years that separate us from our authority figures and when we discover who we are, but in order to do that we have to make mistakes; a lot of them.
    In regards to parental concerns I think they need to give us more credit. They were once in our place, they did the same things as us and most of them turned out alright. I understand their concerns but it doesn't make sense to ban this book
